Please help to save our stadium- Salisbury FC

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Liam Brown SCFC
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Please help to save our stadium- Salisbury FC

Post: # 142823Post Liam Brown SCFC »

Currently, Salisbury FC are in quite a bad position with regards to their stadium. It has been our home since it was built for us, and only us, by the former chairman Raymond McEnhill. He wanted the club to keep it has their home, as he wanted to secure the future of the club.
Now with everything that has happened, a new lease needs to be signed to get the new club into its rightful home, but with Mr McEnhill passing away, the McEnhill trust now owns the stadium, and after promising the new board that a new lease would be secured and agreed, they are now refusing to even talk to the new board, and it seems as though we are at risk of losing our stadium to housing developments, and that the trust are going to disrespect Mr McEnhill's wishes.
Please, take a minute to sign this petition to help the new club get back into their rightful home, and to secure football in this city, and for the supporters.
Thank you. ... ur-stadium
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Mikel Bee
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Re: Please help to save our stadium- Salisbury FC

Post: # 142860Post Mikel Bee »


Good luck
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Re: Please help to save our stadium- Salisbury FC

Post: # 143998Post petersperoni »

A little late but also signed.
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Re: Please help to save our stadium- Salisbury FC

Post: # 144001Post BeesKnees »

Apparently they've won and Salisbury will be playing at the Ray Mac next year
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