Barnet v Sheffield Wednesday

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Barnet v Sheffield Wednesday

Post: # 91574Post OB1 »

Its an all English 1st round tie this week against Sheffield Wednesday. This week they finished 4th in the UK premier with 39m points.

Kick off is at 10am today and play continues until 10am tomorrow.

Follow the above link to play for Barnet in Europe.

Please play if you can, every point counts.
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Re: Barnet v Sheffield Wednesday

Post: # 91715Post torontobee »

A lead but still some play for the morning:

Barnet - Sheff Wed: 14.037.550 : 10.006.325

Deadline 10am.

High scorers:
11. OB1 - Barnet - 6.591.875
12. TBe - Barnet - 6.171.225
79. StX - Barnet - 1.130.950
193. MGA - Barnet - 143.500

A rd 2 tie against Gillingham if we win!

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Re: Barnet v Sheffield Wednesday

Post: # 92208Post torontobee »

Final scores for last week:

Rd 1: Barnet - Sheff Wed: 16.722.800 : 10.006.325
Rd 2: Barnet - Gillingham: 3.643.775 : 555.000
Rd 3: Moenchengladbach - Barnet: 6.498.575 : 161.450

High scorers:
8. OB1 - Barnet - 12.909.650
37. TBe - Barnet - 6.332.675
170. StX - Barnet - 1.130.950
390. MGA - Barnet - 143.500
733. bzz - Barnet - 11.250
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